

What is accountability team coaching, and why do I need it?

You’re getting inconsistent results, lack of accountability, poor communication, and ongoing conflicts within the team.


Everyone seems to be running in different directions; you Ignore that it exists for a while. Business and team performance start to suffer, you lose good people, you may even try to hire and fire your way out of the situation, something has to change.


You have a RED ARROW Team problem: Your stereotypical leadership or management team.


A group of managers all rowing in different directions, spending their time and energy focusing on what they think is relevant to them, their team or business unit, struggling to see the bigger picture, all fighting against one another.

Team members have no clear vision, values or goals aligned to the business growth strategy, mission, or purpose.

“Going nowhere fast.”


You need a GREEN ARROW Team Solution: Your High-Performance Leadership Team


The primary asset of your company lies in the effectiveness, morale, well-being and productivity of the team or teams working towards a common set of goals and objectives.


Imagine competing against a team working together as one cohesive unit, trusting each other, aligned, and held fully accountable for their actions.


If you are in that team, you will win every time.


Each team member has clearly defined values, goals and action plans and the best part: each team member has individual access to the 12-month team goal setting plan that generates alignment and consistency with our live monthly accountability coaching sessions.


“Creating unstoppable momentum.”


What is a Green Arrow Leadership Team?


A group of managers or leaders all rowing in the same direction, spending their time and energy focusing on what they know is relevant to them, their team, and the business, clearly understanding the bigger picture and working in unison.


Each team member has clearly defined values, goals, and action plans to align with the business vision, mission, and purpose.


All our team accelerator programmes include mapping and tracking software, so you know your progress every month. It makes for a powerful combination of working with an experienced results-focused Business Coach for up to 12 months, using trusted and proven methodologies that generate results time after time.


An investment in your business

Here’s a question - how do you track your company’s progress and growth?

If you have a coach already, how available is their support?

Do they offer you a fully online accountability programme?

And if they do, can it be accessed 24/7 by you and your team members?

At The Power Within, we are so committed to keeping you aligned with your company’s vision, values, and goals that we do all of the above and more.

Why? Because we understand that companies sometimes struggle to see the benefits of engaging with a coach – and we’re here to stop that struggle.

With transparency, integrity, passion, and insight, we can help you transform your workforce from the inside out.

…and an investment in you and your team!

We believe that your coach should do a number of things as they help you achieve your business, career, and personal goals.

  • They should mentor your improved communication skills
  • Coach you on time management and personal effectiveness
  • Hold you accountable to striking the right work-life balance
  • Act as a sounding board when making difficult decisions
  • Be your motivator when strong actions are called for
  • Display unconditional support when things get tough
  • Offer wisdom and clarity when it comes to goal setting and risk taking
  • And so much more…

Our team delivers high-level professional team coaching that fires you up, supports you, guides you, and puts both feet firmly on the path to team success.

We value you and want to gain your trust

If you have any anxiety, scepticism, or reluctance about TEAM coaching for your business, we totally understand!

And though we know our coaching makes dramatic differences in people’s lives and performance, we want to gain your trust before beginning.

That’s why we offer a one day, no-obligation team coaching taster event, so you can discover more for yourself.

During your trial team coaching session, you will get clarity on one of three things:

1) You will realise team coaching is not for you, and that's a great result for both of us.

2) You will get enough out of the experience that you won't need team coaching, you can do it on your own.

3) You realise the power of team coaching and accountability, we set you up as a new coaching client with 24/7 access to your team coaching commitments and coaching programme.

Either way, all these outcomes ensure you are better off – with more insight, more understanding, or more commitment to your goals and dreams.

Click on the link below today to express your interest, find out more or book your free consultation