Business owners and entrepreneurs have a lot of preconceived notions when it comes to coaching, consultancy, external business development & training.
“Business Coaching and Consultancy is a waste of time and money, I already know what’s wrong with my business”
They feel like it makes them look weak, that they should be able to do it on their own?
But if these beliefs are holding you or your company back from getting an effective business coach, consultant or sales training, you’re missing a huge opportunity to improve your skills and your business’s performance.
All great CEO, Business owners and entrepreneurs know their weaknesses, have an idea where their business needs strengthened and have the vision to seek help where needed.
CEOs Business owners and executives aren’t just plucked off the street and asked to lead businesses, they find themselves in these positions because of their ability to make decisions, inspire and develop others and ask for help to overcome specific challenges within their business.
“Before you become a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others”
Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric
So, when I talk about weakness, we aren’t referring to a given leader’s inability to lead effectively, we are referring to small factors and challenges within the business that require a new set of eyes, another way of looking at the challenges you are facing.
Good leaders know how to play to their strengths, and can be more than competent in doing so. But great leaders recognise their weaknesses, and focus on improving the areas in which they or their business may be lacking, whether through executive coaching, business consultancy or otherwise.
Admitting weakness may sound like the traits of an unconfident, anxious leader. But it is the leader that refuses to accept that he or she has any flaws that stand to be victimised by confidence.
Leaders who recognise weakness within themselves or their business, yet refuse to be characterised by those weaknesses, are the leaders who relentlessly pursue change and most often achieve the greatest success.
“Hiring a business coach or consultant is not a sign of weakness or failure, it is a signal of strength”
So how do these business leaders go about identifying various weaknesses within themselves or their business?
By asking for help, help to identify challenges, seeing advice and support from others outside the business.
“Business Coaching, Consultancy & Leadership Development is a bespoke management training for entrepreneurs and business owners specifically tailored for their unique situation.”
“It helps you make better decisions, become a better leader and grow your business in ways you never even knew possible.”
Here are some common myths about Business Consultancy, Coaching and Leadership Development Training, and the real story!
Myth No. 1: “Coaching, Consultancy and Soft Skills Training is too expensive”
The reality? Running a healthy, well‑managed business leads to both cost savings and growing profits and in some cases, you can qualify for fully funded non-returnable & non-refundable grants to help you grow & develop your business.
“Coaching and Consultancy and Training is about learning how to identify inefficiencies in your company and learning how to fix them, so you can save more in the long‑term.” “Not fixing these problems means profit is leaking away every day, and in most cases, you are not aware of what’s available to help you & your business to grow to new levels” It also helps to motivate and inspire your employees and management teams”
Myth No. 2: “I don’t have time for this. I’m too busy running my business.”
Most entrepreneurs or business owners spend their time fixing problems and fighting fires. But, by not taking the time to get on top of fundamental challenges, you’re accepting that your problems will continue and probably get worse.
“If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always got”
“A Business Coaching or Consultant can help you identify and resolve the root cause to get out of this vicious cycle,”
Myth No. 3: “I already know what’s wrong in my business.”
Visible problems are usually symptoms of bigger issues that can only be identified through a careful, thorough assessment and digger deeper, using the 5 levels of certainty
Don’t waste your money treating symptoms that will come back if the root cause is not identified and addressed. A business coach will take a holistic view of your business, find the underlying cause of the problem and then coach you on how to fix it.
If you look at your business as a growing tree. The soil is the culture you have or are creating, the more nutrient-rich the soil the stronger the tree. The branches are your employees and management teams, most people just keep cutting off the branches when they have internal issues or business growth problems, when in fact in most cases the problem is in the soil where you are cultivating and growing your tree.
Myth No. 4: “Coaching or Consultancy won’t change anything in my company, only I can do that.”
FACT: Nothing will change in business unless you’re convinced of the benefits of the change and know how to make it happen.
The right business coach or consultant can help you better understand your business and develop the skills to overcome your challenges. That will enable you to make changes that will have a positive impact on your company’s performance.
“Coaching and consultancy help leaders and entrepreneurs become more confident” “In the end, you have a better understanding of your business’ strengths and weaknesses and know how to make it more successful.”
Myth No. 5: “I don’t need another advisor. I need someone to fix my problems.”
Think of coaching, consultancy or training as a learning experience. The goal is to transfer knowledge and know‑how to you and your management team.
“Business coaching, consultancy or training is about teaching you how to fish, not fishing for you.”
“It’s about teaching you the knowledge and skills to address problems on your own.” You can then go on to have a better understanding of working on your business, not in your business.
Business Coaching, Consultancy and Leadership Development: What it can do for you and your business?
- Help you to see your business from a fresh perspective
- Improve your business management and leadership skills
- Increase motivation and drive accountability
- Develop a sales & leadership strategy that works
- Support you in tackling business challenges and opportunities
- Increase your self-belief & confidence in your abilities & your business
- Help you identify your company strengths & weaknesses to become a more rounded high performing business
- Create clearly defined goals for you, your business and your leadership team.
Whatever stage you have reached in your career or business, you can always expand your knowledge and develop the mindset of a successful high-performance company or business professional with personalised bespoke training and development programs, coaching and consultancy framework all focused around our unique success formula process.
We also work with companies on a holistic consultancy basis, we work with you and your team to evaluate the company culture, help build and develop the people growth strategy, work with the team to identify business growth opportunities, overcome the challenges as well as assisting with the development, planning and execution of those opportunities into a sales and business growth framework.
Why not drop me a PM or email and see how we can help you accelerate your business growth in 2021
James Fleming
The Power Within Training & Development
0330 133 2975